
Ragtime social networking

Ragtime I believe is a great depiction of how easily the world can be considered a small place. Most of the characters are somehow intertwined and intersect with one another. Just like in today’s life, especially with my life. I can always easily find someone that I know through friends or family. Instead of reading about this social network in a book our social network is facebook, where we can see which friends we have in common with other people and could also see how we are friends with that person. I think though in ragtime the classes in the social network are separated for a while then get intertwined like Nesbit meeting Tateh and growing fascination of his way of life. This would be another example like Angelina Jolie and Oprah growing fascination with Africa and the poverty and wanting to help and give their money away. Evelyn Nesbit falls in love with this little child and wants to take care of her just like Angelina is right now with her many adopted children. I believe there is less of a social class difference now than before. In some cities though for example kids are differentiated by social class depending on the school they go to and then certain characteristics will emerge to consider the richer kids the spoiled brats. Now there is more interaction in all levels of the social networks from the celebrities accepting fan mail to the emergence of the working class more in the later years.

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