

The peaceful serenity of a rainforest is like no other. The adventures of hiking through and observing new wonderful things at each glance knowing this cannot be seen anywhere else but here. But how can we navigate through this Amazon rainforest successfully. There are no wires for GPS connection and there are no signposts here. We can follow any path we like, and not have to worry, there is no wrong direction. The only areas that are disturbed are those of the settlements of the researchers trying to catalog the millions of new species found living here. There are many new sights, smells, and sounds coming from all directions. This area is home to more than a million species some not known to the common man.

Observing these species in the habitat is amazing. The hierarchy within species and amongst the group can be seen. The most spectacular are the birds. Amazing creatures of many colors with nests/homes high up in these trees to protect their young. The brightly colored macaws of reds, blues, and oranges. Then the smaller hummingbirds, singing away merrily just looking for food to full their bellies for today. There is much stirring in the rainforest though. Looking carefully at these birds you notice their eyes darting back and forth. Trying to see something before it comes by surprise. These birds are more alerted, what this might be caused by.

As I continue to walk, upon no path in particular I find myself approaching a camp. Without realizing I had followed the path they had made. I questioned them about their research and their new findings of animals. I also told them about my noticing of the birds that seemed more alerted; to my surprise they noticed that too. The possible human presence in their habitat could be what made these birds more alert.

Journeying along I start to hear a noise. This is not the normal noise from the rainforests of animals humming or scourging. But noise from machinery that made vibrations against my feet as I walked closer and closer. I could finally see some sunlight which meant there was a clearing, and there I saw larger bulldozers with large printing “BARAMA TIMBER COMPANY.” It all made sense now. These birds had fear in their eyes. Darting eyes back and forth where to place my nest, and how do I protect my home. Where do I go East or West? Which side are the vibrations coming from? Is my home going to be the target or not?

On one path I come across researchers and on the other a timber company. These birds which are incapable of thought processing must be so confused. Who do I trust the researchers who are capturing my relatives to run samples on them or the people that are destroying my home? I might still be able to find a new home but where do I go. The birds alert all the species around them, since time is limited.

3 Responses to “birds”

  1. 1 Kola
    February 22, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    i really like your creative response, i just want you to know i would be analyzing it for the part II of response 4.

  2. 2 heminkay
    February 22, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    i’ve analyzed this creative response, i liked it.

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