
Life (resp6)

The rain was pouring and seemed that there was no end in sight. We were being hit by all sorts of firearms from all sides, we were about to surrender though. Us Americans would surrender and allowed to live. The most enduring for me as one of the older Colonels was to see all the young dead faces around in the dirt. We had surrender to save our lives for what little time left that we had. Maybe on the train right to the prisoners’ camp we would be able to write our goodbye letters and any special last words to our families to leave with some special character that would survive this. The train ride was excruciating pain with disgusting smells hitting you all at once, some of green, molded food, mixed with the excrements and the smell of blood that was like paint on the train floors. Being a school teacher this would compare to seeing a child not being able to read at the age of high school. Where will this train lead us…

“I don’t know if I can handle dad anymore” said Barbara, “it is just too stressful and I really have to worry about other things.” “Don’t say that,” Robert said, “dad has been there for us through everything.” All the recent articles and problems with the office were causing Barbra a bit of stress that she just couldn’t handle. She could not deal with the office and running her house. The thought of losing her dad though was just too much to handle. He just seemed so calm about life like he knew everything he wanted to and was satisfied. The husband was not so happy about the little attention that he was getting and Billy was becoming a problem to handle, but he knew he was all that was left for Barbara. Robert could be lost at any moment out where he was being a Green Beret and all. So how am I supposed to deal with this now…

I am pregnant and all alone here. In this little glass case where everyone can just have all the looks they want at me. Every movement I do, I just wish I had someone to talk to other than this man. I use to be so famous not a person that would settle down and have a kid. Living the life of any star, all the clothes, jewelry, and men I wanted. Now look where I am, feeling so old and so big! I am accustomed to being watched naked but not big and naked; I don’t even feel like myself. I still have more time before I need to have a kid; I am too young for these responsibilities. I don’t even know this man, he is sincere and kind but what type of place is this to raise a child. We are like animals in a circus or some sort of science project being reared to be studied. The child will have no one to befriend, this environment is just not right. What will happen now…

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