Posts Tagged ‘clock


Alarm Clock

So for the first time since I started working at the bank and the move I made a friend. It was cool, I always had Guyanese friends but this time, the girl is a white girl. She was coming over for dinner but I didn’t know if she would like “my” type of food. I don’t know what “white” people eat, hamburgers and fries all the time?

So when she came over I introduced her to my aunt and uncle, and Jenny turns to me and say “Ally, you look just like your aunt.” Now my aunt had a puzzled look on her face but didn’t say anything.

All of a sudden, while we were listening to our favorite radio soap opera in the living room the alarm goes off! “Allahu-Akbar, Allah.” Oh my gosh!?! I don’t understand why my aunt needs a loud speaker reminder as to when to pray, she can just have a regular alarm clock.

Azan Clock

Azan Clock