Posts Tagged ‘grid


part 2 running experience

I know the feeling of being lost in a scary or not even scary neighborhood. Anytime I drive with the protection of a car I lock my doors whenever I venture into unfamiliar surroundings. You have no doors to lock so it’s even scarier. You are obviously on a road that has been laid out but because the music is blaring and sometimes we get lost in our thoughts that we don’t realize where we are going. I don’t get it seems like running is quite a routine though; I wonder how did this person get lost. Especially in Gainesville this happens so often, I can see runners with earphones plugged in not paying attention to any of their surroundings. Their livelihood snatched at any instant by a speeder not stopping for pedestrians or quite often by kidnappers and rapists in the area. There is no security when you are out in nature running to shelter really to turn to unless you knock on random strangers doors. This is exactly the feeling of insecurity that Macmahon is leaving out in his book. These thoughts expressed by the runner probably stopping in pace looking back and forth trying to find some sort of symbol like red handkerchief of familiarity in Big Sur to find her way back home. These little thoughts are not expressed in someone’s everyday experience, how they scanned looking for something to trace back on. Another thing I found para-doxical is the gps on the ipod and being not on road. GPS mostly only have road directions? I didn’t know they have off road directions.


stereotypes and grids

After sitting in class and being reminded about the blog, I remembered the topics were about stereotypes and grids. This week’s past event I believe was completely outside the grid. It was outside the general consensus on who should take that position. The first black President was sworn into office a day that will be written in many textbooks to come. This also fits under stereotypes, because no one would think that America would have a black president. The past 43 Presidents were all white males above the average age of 40. Now the American public is looking to see how President will think outside the grid and help us push through our period of downturn and his stance on things. Never would I think that the next President would be black and earlier last year I came to find out that his middle name was Hussein a Muslim name! Totally outside the grid there. Now all we have to do is wait and see what his stance are and how the American public will react. There were almost two million people at his inauguration and the security team was about 75000 armed forces. They had to secure him before someone tries to kill the man that breaks the mold. America is showing that change is needed and people need to think outside the box.