Posts Tagged ‘optomologist


Slaughter House Five

Use of the Latrine

Use of the Latrine

The words used in Slaughter House Five at times seemed so calm for the events that was being described. The most shocking to me was the run on of “So it goes.” There was no pause to acknowledge death just keep going with life. The idea of that people do not die but will exist in the past, present and future according to the Tramalfadorians was interesting. It seemed like the Earthlings worry about everything especially death when there was no such thing to the Tramalfadorians. Especially the death noted in the book of the young, the babies. I feel like Vonnegut was trying to get the issue of fear of not being able to live a full life because of this war. That many people were dying and wouldn’t be able to experience life. For example while in the Dresdon camp the school teacher is talking with a British soldier and notes that they are about similar ages and both have maturity and experience, both things that the young soldiers lack. Vonnegut also uses repetition to make a scene more clearly for example each time he describes Billy’s walk he states its bobbing “up and down, up and down” this makes the scene more imaginable to me. Also in many of the scenes images or pieces of belongs relate back to other scenes for example with the division of line between British and American something Billy noted he already was accustomed to from childhood. Another is the locket that Montana wore that had the inscription of the same words that Billy hung in his office. The image of the British using latrines also stuck out to me a lot. Just because in the movie of Slumdog Millionaire that was probably the funniest/ grossest scene to me, so I could just imagine the shock and amazement the British must have been at looking at the Americans.