Posts Tagged ‘Tripmaster Monkey


Native languages…

assimilation into the doxa

assimilation into the doxa

Both Momaday and Kingston used styles in their writings that are paradoxical. I found so many connections to many real life situations with Kingston’s Tripmaster Monkey. I believe the doxa part of Tripmaster Monkey is that people all the time do make fun of people and how they act or dress especially when they come from another country. It was funny because just this weekend when I was in another country myself, I came across this Asian that talked the same way as described by Kingston and he was talking about how he is the king of all parties. All I could think of is how is this FOB such a cool guy. I know it was wrong to laugh but couldn’t help it. This is part of our identity and our anecdotes how we talk. In psychology class that I am taking the book noted that language is how we think. So different people of different cultures would think different because they have different languages. In an anecdote or a description of an experience we use words that we are common with for example Momaday uses Mammedaty instead of words like grandmother or great-great-grandmother. In my experiences of family I would use “Gan”/ “Gamma” for my grandmothers names. I found it very difficult to read Momaday’s story though because its layout was very different that just left to right and up to down. This just adds more contrast to and complexity to understanding the novel. Also one other thing that was interesting was the Kiowas calendar was a picture calendar. All places calendars are different some following different names of months and so on.